Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cinco de Goodbye-o; and a beautiful cake

Thanks to Erin Han for the beautiful picture!

My husband recently planned a birthday party for me and chose and evite.come template to use, and as I was looking over his shoulder, I thought this one template, for a Cinco de Mayo party was beautiful... so low and behold, I got invited to a going away party for some good friends a few weeks later, and the hosts of that party chose to use this Evite template:

I volunteered to bring a "Goodbye Cake" for the family who is moving, and after some thought about the flavor and design, decided I REALLY wanted to match it to the evite, so I did, and I think it turned out beautifully! 

Now this is in true Patience form, because the cake needed to be egg free due to their son's allergies AND as I'm trying to move away from fondant for decorations (because it just doesn't taste good), I knew it was going to require a lot of new moves with white modeling chocolate, which I have only used once befoer.  But did I hesitate before comitting to this feat?  Of course not, I just jumped in and made it work. 

That's kind of how I've done this hobby all the way along, and while it's resulted in some REALLY long days/ nights and projects, I think I've pulled it off pretty well. 

I used my new favorite egg replacement option (below)  and made a two tiered cake of (top tier) Banana cake filled with vanilla bean swiss meringue buttercream (how without using eggs you ask?)  This was my first ever totally unique from scratch/ made up recipe, so I've been protecting the recipe- but now that I'm posting all my recipes, who cares?  And I hope it benefits some other baker who needs to bake for a kid with allergies and wants to use a really great tasting version of Swiss Meringue Buttercream.  So the recipe is listed along with the rest of the cake below.  This tier was frosted in a poured Semisweet Chocolate Ganache. 

Tier two:  Egg free red velvet filled with cream cheese frosting and frosted in Vanilla Bean "Swiss Meringue Buttercream". 

Only brief mishap:  When I opened my refridgerator to get my ground flax seed to make the egg replacer, I found that I stored it in the same ziploc as almond meal.  Their son is really allergic to nuts as well as eggs, but of course, in the past, I've pretty much only used Almond Meal and Flax Meal to make low-carb dessert replacements.  I got lucky and had flax seeds which I was able to quickly grind up.

Didn't it turn out great!?

Recipes will be added soon!!

Egg Replacer:

Banana Cake:

Vanilla Bean Egg Free Swiss Meringue Buttercream:

Chocolate Ganache:

Eggless Red Velvet:

Cream Cheese Frosting:

White Modeling Chocolate (courtesty of "What's New Cupcake?"  One of my favorite new cookbooks):

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